Wednesday, October 17, 2007

DOCNZ Festival and Symposium

The DOCNZ festival is coming up in Wellington - already been going in Auckland for some time...Lots to choose from so get out of that winter comfort zone and watch some interesting international and local docos...
Saw a great doco last night on Maori TV made by local Wellington filmmakers, Tim Rose and Jim Scott and Huia Lambie about J.C.Sturm, poet extraordinaire and by the by, ex-wfe to James K. Baxter. It was a moving portrait of a woman writer struggling to have her voice heard amongst the patriarchal literati of the 50s and 60s....
Still working on the DVD of my Michael King doco, so hope to get that out and about the meantime looking forward to seeing the Rita Angus doco by Gaylene Preston in the festival...

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