I went to see this film directed by Brett Morgan (The Kids Stays in the Picture)
in the DOCNZ festival the other night - it was pretty full on - with real footage of riots in Chicago at the time - police vs the people yet again...
At the 1968 Democratic Convention, protestors, denied permits for demonstrations, repeatedly clashed with the Chicago Police Department, who waged a week-long terror campaign that resulted in riots witnessed live by a television audience of over 50 million. The events had a polarizing effect on the country and 8 of the main activists were arrested which created a huge public trial. [Mmm ...sound familiar?]
The unique feature of this doco was its use of animation of the main characters of the story arrested ...Its definitely worth a look - but sometimes the flipping back and forth between real news footage, conversations between the activists at the time, then the recreation of the story in animated form was distracting from the flow of the story - but an interesting style aka The Simmonds Brothers or like Henry Rollins Show style...
Interestingly, it was also another political doco supported by the Al Gore team at Participant Productions.
and i can't believe we missed it, we had tickets to Lovely Rita and saturday was such a beautiful day we completely forgot about it...Well, at least we supported the festival i guess...