Thursday, July 26, 2007

Michael King: A Moment in Time

Yesterday my doco, Michael King, A Moment in Time screened in the International Film Festival at the Film Archive in Wellington. Two amazing screenigs brought many people out of the woodwork....Maui Solomon introduced himself to the audience as 'the' Maui Solomon who wrote to King in 1985 asking him to write the history of the Moriori people...and Michael's daughter Rachael also spoke...

It was amazing to feel two very different audiences show their response and there were many filmmakers in the audience too...

The score designed by Michelle Scullion gave the film many layers of emotion and I felt extremely proud to finally bring this interview into the light of day.

Thank you all the people who helped me to do this - producer Glenis Giles, my partner Cathy and my son Sam who designed the titles. My brother Michael wrote the lyrics to the final song over the credits 'Like a Bird' sung by Dunedin composer/singer Patsy Ryan with her band Blackthorn. The Dub Shop,especially Simon Reece, editor, managed the final post stages with great creative direction and influence and the sound mix by John Boswell at Park Rd Post ensured the final piece was perfectly balanced. And to the Film Festival who agreed to screen the film which meant we could get post-production funding from the NZ Film Commission. Thank you so much...

It's been quite an amazing journey from 1991 to 2007 to complete this work - now it has its own life out in the world.

If you are interested to view the film again or purchase it contact me through or producer Glenis Giles at


Friday, July 20, 2007

Edith Collier - artist

I just saw a beautiful moving doco by Michael Heath about Wanganui artist, Edith Collier. She was born in Wanganui and spent time as a young woman travelling and painting in London and Ireland - being a part of the women artist movement, the modernists, influenced and attending classes by expat Kiwi Frances Hodgkins. She returned home to parochial Wanganui in the twenties - her art was seen as too modern and risque to the point that her father burned several of her nudes. She continued to paint sporadically but was thwarted by the small mindedness of the time - and of the relatively conservative art scene including the critics her saw her work as 'modern' and 'abstract' and therefore, not serious art. Over 300 works are held at the Seargent gallery in Wanganui. Also, someone in the audienc mentioned that over 30 of her works will be for sale soon in the Dunbar Sloane auction - an infomercial at question time! Michael Heath has given us an eloquent and emotional portrait of an artist ahead of her time in New Zealand who has left a legacy of beautiful works of light, shape and form. Dr Joanne Drayton has written a biography of her life. and the film will be out on DVD soon also. The Edith Collier Trust

Monday, July 16, 2007

Fringe Film Festival 20 years on...

Last week i went to the 20th anniversary of the Wellingotn Film Fringe Festival. Organised once again by fabulous gals, Glenis Giles & Fiona Bartlett with lots of help from Iris and Robert Sarkies and others too numerous to name. Over the years the Fringe has been the gateway for emerging filmmakers and a stepping stone towards greatness...! or the delusion of greatness.

The show started with an intro by director Robert Sarkies who thanked the Fringe for paying for a young eager filmmaker to fly up from Dunedin with his first short film to hear the critical analysis by filmmakers from throughout the country - it was noted that the Fringe just can't afford to do that anymore because there are SO many filmmakers...but that is a good thing!

Speeches were given by Gaylene Preston and Neville and finally the Fringe Film Festival Accolades were revamped and given out to those people in the industry who give so much behind the scenes. Some were there - others werent but the recognition and acknowledgement of their contribution was warmly applauded...

The Fringe is on right now so check it out at

Sunday, July 15, 2007

International Film Festival Launch

The festival kicks off this week with the opening night party on Thursday.
See you there....enjoy